Sridhar Katakam's Weblog

Capacities Mac Workflow

Posted on August 17, 2023 | 0 comments

I’ve recently started using the fantastic Capacities as my main note-taking/PKM tool.
Update: Switched to Reflect.

As always, I look for ways to do things faster using Alfred and Keyboard Maestro.

Here are some custom shortcuts/workflow I set up for working with Capacities’ macOS desktop app a bit quicker and more efficiently.

Table of Contents

F2 – Bring up/Switch to Capacities

F3 – Create a new object in Capacities

F4 – Search in Capacities

You may have to adjust this if you have an object type that starts with W beside the default Weblinks.

If you use Safari instead of Google Chrome, replace %ChromeURL% with %SafariURL%.

Append to Daily Note in Capacities via Alfred

dn <your message>

Go to Alfred settings → Features → Web Search.

Add a new custom search.

Search URL:


Search in Capacities via Alfred

This setup passes the search term from Alfred (ns <search term>) to Keyboard Maestro. KM then brings up the Command Bar in Capacities and pastes the input in.

Download Alfred workflow

Download Keyboard Maestro macro

⌘[ and ⌘] – Go back and forward in Capacities

⌘H – Today’s Daily Note in Capacities

H for Home.

⌘N – New content in Capacities

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