
    Quick Journal Logging in Obsidian using Alfred and Shortcuts

    I've recently been trying out PKM apps like Craft, Logseq and Obsidian.

    In this article, I'll share a few methods to quickly post a thought/update/note/log even when Obsidian is not the active app.

    The workflow I use is to press ⌘+⇧+L (L for Log) to bring up a box in which I type what I just did or anything I want to record as a log for today and it goes under a "Log" header in Obsidian's daily/today note with the current timestamp w/o Obsidian coming to the front (well, not technically speaking - we just hide Obsidian when it comes to the front).

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    Here's how I set this up:

    Step 1

    Edit your daily note Obsidian template and ensure that there's a Log heading.

    Step 2

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